
2017年奥克兰NEXT峰会:创新、合作、发展 联合国副秘书长(主管经济和社会事务) 刘振民




Video Speech to the inaugural NEXT Summit

NEXT Summit, Auckland 2017: Innovation, Cooperation, Sustainability


by Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Under Secretary-General of UN

联合国副秘书长(主管经济和社会事务) 刘振民


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,



Good morning! I am very pleased to learn that the inaugural NEXT Summit held in Auckland, New Zealand will focus on the theme of Innovation, Cooperation and Sustainability.

早上好!很高兴获悉首届国际展望峰会(NEXT Summit)在新西兰奥克兰举办,并以“创新、合作、发展”为主题。


The world today is at a critical juncture. We face both unprecedented challenges and unique opportunities, with the potential for widely contrasting futures.



The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been widely recognized around the world as a shared roadmap to a better future for all. We aim to continue improving our planet, making it more comfortable, more peaceful and more sustainable. The cooperation between stakeholders based on mutual respect and in the spirit of win-win outcomes is crucial. It also requires innovation-driven economic growth, inclusive global governance and recognition of the shared future of mankind.



New Zealand, as a member of the Pacific Island countries, has contributed wisdom, value and best practices in the pursuit of sustainable development in areas of politics, economy, social development, culture and environment.



China played a key role in shaping the Belt and Road Initiative, which has been acknowledged by other countries in the world and has become important part of global efforts in implementing the 2030 Agenda. While the Belt and Road Initiative and the 2030 Agenda are different in their nature and scope, both have sustainable development as their overarching objective. Both strive to create opportunities, global public goods and win-win cooperation. And both aim to deepen “connectivity” across countries and regions: connectivity in infrastructure, trade, finance, policies and, perhaps most important of all, among peoples.



We are glad to learn that the NEXT Summit with a focus on global resources mobilization and capacity building is committed to integrating public and private sectors to build a new type of partnership and platform, to promoting innovation, cooperation and sustainability.

我们非常高兴地看到,国际展望峰会(NEXT Summit)聚焦全球资源动员和能力建设,致力于整合公私部门资源,建设新型合作机制与平台,以推动创新、合作与发展。


I am confident that all stakeholders will contribute their experiences, ideas and solutions for attaining the Sustainable Development Goals. I believe that this summit will shed more light on how we can achieve our sustainable and prosperous future for all.



I wish the NEXT Summit a great success. Thank you!

祝愿国际展望峰会(NEXT Summit)取得圆满成功。谢谢大家!

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